Posts Tagged ‘Money’



As of August 24, 2009 Michael Jackson’s death was ruled a homicide (1 day shy of the 2month anniversary of his death). He was under the influence of multiple sedatives administered by a doctor he hired to care for him. The extreme liberal in me wonders why as a resident of California he was not prescribed medicinal marijuana. I feel that it is a much healthier alternative to many of the drugs prescribed by any doctor in which most have near fatal side effects such as blood clots, stroke, heart attack, and a host of others issues that if you’re not strong enough to bounce back from make you wish that you were dead anyway!

      In light of his death I also feel that us fans are being financially exploited, magazines that once couldn’t even get an authorized cover from Michael Jackson are doing full memorial spreads and charging TWICE THE PRICE! Venues where Michael Jackson paraphernalia couldn’t even be found have an over flow of his product available at unreasonable prices, not to mention the music stores that didn’t have any real variety of Michaels’ music not only offer a wide array now but have also jacked up the prices to high hell! Everyone is trying to get a piece of the peripheral pie but weren’t even interested in it until he died!

      Yes, I’m complaining! When Michael needed your support, where were you? Huddled up in your pow wows talking amongst yourselves about his “guilt”, talkin crap about how you liked him when he was “black” as if he could change his DNA. I’m not inspired by or appreciative of your change of heart. All of a sudden you care…. Everyone wanted to speculate about how he should live his life yet none of you could ever walk a day in his shoes or empathize with his plight yet you felt that you had a right to judge him. I’m not thrilled!



As a former loyal Washington Mutual customer I wasn’t too thrilled to hear that they were merging with a larger financial entity that I knew nothing about. Toward the end of July I received a few emails about the changes being made and I took them with a grain of salt since they didn’t allude to the complete take over that it is.

      Since it seems that EVERY MONTH my bank statement is lost in the mail, I made the recent decision to register my account online. At the time I went through what I believed was Washington Mutual’s website ( where I was asked for my account number as well as my social security number. While I thought this to be strange I was also aware that there were probably some process changes since the “merge” had taken place, so I thought nothing of it as I’ve been with Washington Mutual since I graduated from high school and problems in our relationship have always been minimal.

About a week and a half later I received a call from a CHASE BANK affiliate about some large purchases made on my account that appeared questionable. The largest “purchase” that I make on any given normal month is the check that I write for my rent. After a few questions asked fraudulent activity was determined to be the culprit for the issue. My account was frozen though they continued to allow the fraudulent activity on my account to go through and I had to go into my branch to open a new one, in which I informed the financial advisor that my direct deposit is linked to the frozen account. She gave me the information needed to switch accounts for my direct deposit and a temporary ATM card that she said I could use anywhere so I only withdrew $20.00 in case I had any “problems” with being able to use the card. Very quickly I learned that it was widely unaccepted EVERYWHERE, this was very frustrating to figure out as I was already having a bit of a financial problem since I missed some work hours due to illness and forgot to use my sick leave.  I rely on public transportation and by time I get off work the closest branch to me is closed. Two days later I spent 30mins on the phone with a CHASE BANK customer service supervisor who assisted in the “clean up” process that would allow me access to my money. Two more days later the bank card overnighted to me arrived and I spent another 15mins on the phone with CHASE BANK to reverse the accounts that my cards were linked to. The following morning I decided to check my account online and found that CHASE BANK had ordered checks on my account unauthorized so I spent about 15mins with a customer service agent to void out the checks and reverse the charge. Then, on my way to my branch CHASE BANK called me again in regards to my account. When I reached my branch I discovered that they had not started the dispute process for any of my claims and I spent about an hour with a financial advisor clearing up what charges needed to be disputed. When I returned home and checked my mail the checks and two letters for insufficient funds paid were waiting for me but I beat them all to the punch, this time…….