Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

2010 has arrived, It’s a new decade beginning with a leap year and our first black president (must we be politically correct with “African American”, lord knows at the end of the day none of us can truly be defined by just our melanin alone…). The first day ended in a “blue moon” and for those of you who are not familiar with the term, don’t feel bad I always thought it was slang too! This term simply means that there was an extra full moon in the year, it was a real gorgeous sight even though I thought aliens were going to jump right out of it since its approach was so sudden and huge -– literally!

With all of these changes occurring at one time, it makes sense that folks would want to follow tradition and make “New Year resolutions”. Personally I ended this little game which breeds procrastination some years ago because I realized that I made a lot of false promises to myself and I never seemed to follow through on anything. Having a strong belief in numerology certainly doesn’t help but I’ve learned to counter this. Now, as soon as I realize that I’d like to make a change with something in my life I start taking action to make it happen.

Prime example:

 Last year I was becoming increasingly unhappy with my job. For the record I’d like to say that it was not the company that I disliked but many of the people that I worked “under” and quite a few that I worked with for various reasons, all of them stemming from a lack of respect either just by me or mutually.

Being the emotional person that I am it was very hard for me to hide my feelings, and relationships were getting harder for me to maintain. I don’t lie well and I felt that was a character trait that they were trying to force upon me, on top of them encouraging me to be innovative only for them to waste my time organizing my ideas for them just to get the run around and no follow through from them on their part.

I’m very loyal and had been with the company since I moved to GA, I even helped them establish themselves in their new location. For 3yrs I went through various dramatic and traumatic situations that involved many employees from the bottom to the top of the corporate rankings. I knew that it was just a matter of time before my number would arrive and decided that my next job would have to be a work-from-home gig.

The decision was made and now it was time to act on it. I already have a space in my home which is a second bedroom that I have called my office from the time that I moved in. With my income taxes I purchased my first PC and gradually I brought my computer desk, chair, and printer.

Throughout the year I looked on & off for new employment. During this time my company was making decisions to change how they reached their customers, this included involving social media, mainly twitter. Their employees had full “dibs” on this opportunity. Honestly, a friend already had me addicted and probably saved my sanity through it. Immediately upon the announcement of this opportunity I jumped on it since I was already sneaking on through my mobile app (cell phone) throughout the day. I had the time of my life and was enjoying my job even more. I remember sitting at my desk and saying that I wished that I could get paid to do it all day because I would! This is when I caught the most crap from my superiors… I even had one tell me that all I knew how to do was “twitter”, though my numbers proved differently! Back to the drawing board…

My personal health was also getting pretty bad, between the emotional stress and the sometimes 2-3hr train ride back and forth to work I was barely able to hold it together. My doctor approved intermittent FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) was denied. Despite this, even when I was sick I came in and covered my department. Around this time one girl quit and my other 2 coworkers transferred to the same department so it just left me. I had sick time but when I tried to use it my superiors denied it and FIRED me! I don’t regret it, as a stroke survivor myself my health will always come first…

I could’ve fought their decision and won but I was literally and genuinely SICK of working with people who showed no respect for my work ethic though it affected theirs positively. Unbeknownst to me, my family which our relationship has been extremely strained for the past 2.5yrs actually worked together to keep me off of the streets. My rent was paid, fridge & cabinets were stocked better than when I was working! My bills only suffered slightly as I looked for a new job.

When I first moved to GA I got caught up in a money laundering scheme through a job offer on MONSTER so I was skeptical about using this sites services. Some years ago, one of my good friends told me about her job with the psychic network which she found through Craigslist. Well, I certainly wanted to have a fun job like that so Craigslist would be my main hunting ground! My family wasn’t harping over me finding a job but as a 28yr old woman who lives a full life in another state I knew that it was my responsibility and NOT theirs… especially since they were paying double when they had their own lives to live!

Even though it became frustrating, I went hard and applied for EVERYTHING I was interested in, even if I didn’t meet the “qualifications” for it nor had the “experience” to do it. This also includes the job that I have now, which I found 3 weeks after being fired (which was actually a complete liberation in my opinion). I found it in the Marketing/Public Relations section, there was a short on line test to figure out if I had the adequate knowledge needed to perform the job which I knew I would pass. This job is in Social Media and as an avid user of Twitter and Facebook, I knew I was good for it! I did pass and I was asked to provide my information so they could get back to me, which of course I did. Within the next day or so I was able to set up an interview through email for the following week. The interview process was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and those that interviewed me could have won Oscars for the poker faces that they gave me! A few days later I was called and told that I had the job, I felt like I won the lottery!

It is not to go without say that we haven’t met any obstacles in our professional relationship as they are expected since there is nothing perfect in life. I do work at home, I have more control of my time, and learning who you work with though your contact with them is minimal is a process like any other.

On a personal note, the emotional stress that I endured last year I am certainly uninterested in repeating ever again. I don’t expect much if anything from my friends, quite a few if not many of whom have endured some trying times with me regardless of the miles between us. If I call you my friend there is a mutual responsibility for us to nurture, accept, and support who we are completely within our species. If at any point one of us breaks this non verbal contract on a habitual basis we are up for question and possible elimination from the others life. Explanation is not required because most lessons in life lack verbal direction anyway….